Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Developments of Community Policing Over The Last 25 Years Free Essay Example, 3000 words

Citizens are no longer just incident bystanders to the crime they have an active role in preventing it. The idea of community policing doesn't go over easy with all police officers. Many cops feel that this idealistic vision of the police working hand in hand with the community is problem filled. Many cops feel that their job is to fight crime solely. It should not be up to them to take care of many of the tedious jobs that the community will ask of them. Trying to do so will only over extend the force taking away from many of the more important things an officer must concentrate on. These cops fear that the community will become over-dependent upon them. A story on concentric. net describes a situation like this, "We got a call the other day for Officer---. This woman's refrigerator quit working, and she had to talk to Officer--- about whom she should get to fix it (Frequently, p." It is clear sometimes the more you help people the more dependent they become on the help. There is a lso of the problem of an officer becoming attached to some of the people in his district. We will write a custom essay sample on Developments of Community Policing Over The Last 25 Years or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

Monday, December 23, 2019

Typical Medium Dynamical Cluster Approximation - 848 Words

We generalize the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation (TMDCA) for systems with off-diagonal disorder. By applying our approach to the Anderson model we consider the effects of nonlocal correlations and typical environment beyond the local Blackman, Esterling, and Berk (BEB) method. %coherent potential approximation. Our formalism allows us to systematically study the effects of off-diagonal disorder on the phase diagram of traditional three dimensional Anderson model. Disorder which is inevitably present in most real materials can drammatically affect their properties~\cite{Lee_RevModPhys,Belitz_RevModPhys}. It can lead to changes of their structure and transport. One of the most prominent effects of disorder is the spacial confinement of charge carriers known as Anderson localization ~\cite{Anderson}. The simplest model used to study these disorder effects is the Anderson model which is a single band tight binding model with a random on-site disorder potential. Such a model is justified when the introduction of disorder in, for example a binary alloy by substitution of host atoms by impurities, does not affect the neighbors and leads to the change of the local potential on the substitution site only. In this situation the disorder appears only in the diagonal terms of the Hamiltonian and hence is referred to as diagonal disorder (DD) case. However, in the case when the bandwidth of from the dopant impurity atoms is very different from the band width of

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Gender Discrimination in the Workforce Free Essays

Although there have been decades of hard won civil rights gains for women, we do not yet live in a gender blind society. Sexism perpetuates a cycle of unfulfilled aspirations among women. Public policies are being scrutinized under ever stricter legal microscopes, and an atmosphere of unease about the future pervades our national consciousness – â€Å"a future beset with economic challenges from abroad, technological innovation at home, a demographic revolution in our workforce, and a re-stratification of society. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Discrimination in the Workforce or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Restrictions on women’s access to and participation in the workforce include the wage gap and the glass ceiling. We will discuss the following laws that have helped women make important strides in the workforce, cracking (but not breaking) the glass ceiling so they could climb up the corporate ladder: the 1963 Equal Pay Act, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Executive Orders 11246/11375, the 1968 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act. In addition, we will provide reasons for the continuing network discrimination against females, a recent case study of pervasive gender discrimination resulting in a 152. 5 million dollar ettlement by one well known employer who was sued, and steps women can take to continue making strides toward an equal opportunity workforce. Legislation requiring equal pay for women was first introduced in 1945 in acknowledgement of women’s war work. Business owners and labor organizations succeeded in thwarting the effort, in part because of the perceived need for women to leave the labor force to create vacancies for retu rning servicemen. By the end of the 1950’s, policymakers were becoming concerned about insufficient use of â€Å"womanpower†. In 1963, Congress passed the Equal Pay Act as an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to require employers to pay equal wages to men and women doing â€Å"equal work on jobs†¦which [require] equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions†. The Equal Pay Act was the first federal effort to bar discrimination by private employers on the basis of gender. The Equal Pay Act has limitations in its enforcement of protecting women – for full-time, year- round workers, the 2009 American Community Survey median earnings for women were 78. 2 ercent of men’s earnings – $35,549 compared with $45,485. Furthermore, women’s earnings were lower than men’s in all of the 50 states. One year after passing the Equal Pay Act, Congress passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which made it unlawful to discriminate based on a person’s race, religion, color, or sex. Title VII attacks sex discrimination mo re broadly than the Equal Pay Act extending not only to wages but to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. Thus with the Equal Pay Act and Title VII, an employer cannot deny women equal pay for equal work, deny women transfers, romotions, or wage increases, manipulate job evaluations to regulate women’s pay, or intentionally segregate men and women into jobs according to their gender. In 1971 Reed v. Reed became the first case that the Supreme Court would uphold Title VII to, thus protecting women from sex discrimination. One year following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 as a directive as to how the act should be interpreted and followed. Executive Order 11246 prohibited public and government sector employers from iscriminating based on race, color, religion, or national origin, but not sex. Executive Order 11246 was amended by Executive Order 11375 on October 13, 1967 after sexual harassment became an issue. Sex would now be included as a category that could not be discriminated against by an employer. Executiv e Order 11375 meant to ensure that women would not be exploited sexually to advance their careers. Women were to now be protected in the workplace from supervisors and coworkers who did not take into consideration the concept of personal space or offensive language and conduct. Legal regulations now banned these behaviors and legal action could be taken if they did occur. Executive Order 11375 meant women should no longer have to worry about being discriminated against in the workplace in terms of being hired or released. Executive Order 11375 meant that Affirmative Action (of Executive Order 11246) now applied to women as well. Affirmative Action is an organization’s active effort to find opportunities to hire or promote people in a particular group (in this instance, women). Affirmative Action plans must consist of an equal opportunity policy statement, an analysis of he current work force, identification of underrepresented areas, the establishment of reasonable, flexible goals and timetables for increasing employment opportunities, specific action-oriented programs to address problem areas, support for community action programs, and the establishment of an internal audit and reporting system. Contractors receiving more than $10,000 from the feder al government must take affirmative action, and those exceeding $50,000 must develop a written affirmative action plan for each of their establishments. The plan must be in place within 120 days of the beginning of the contract. Employers whose contracts meet minimum size requirements must engage in affirmative action to ensure against discrimination. Employers must consider all qualified individuals for employment, must choose without regard to gender (now a protected category), and must engage in outreach to encourage the broadest possible group of qualified individuals to enter the supply or applicant pool. In 1967 Congress passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. The ADEA branches from the debate on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the asis of race, color, national origin, or sex, but not age. President Lyndon Johnson strongly believed that age was a growing issue among Americans. This law prohibits discrimination of men and women employees over the age of 40 and forbids companies to base employment decisions solely on an applicant’s age. The Equal Opportunity Commission enforces this act but there are still many complaints filed yearly from work ers who are experiencing discrimination because of their age. For many years, elderly workers have felt that they are losing out to their younger coworkers. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act attempts to eliminate the gap between younger and older employees. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act applies to businesses with 15 or more employees working 20 or more weeks per year including employees in state and local government, federal government, employment agencies, and labor organizations. The ADEA helps protect unlawful discrimination of older individuals that can occur when applying or interviewing for jobs. The Age Discrimination Act protects employees by prohibiting employers to include age preferences or limitations in job applications and advertisements. Under the ADEA it is not expressly forbidden to ask an applicant’s age, but it is closely examined to make sure the query was made for a legitimate purpose. Despite the Age Discrimination Act, The Supreme Court recently changed what qualifies as successfully proven age discrimination. Companies come up with multiple reasons why an employee is terminated without mentioning age, when in actuality the employee’s age is the only factor. Seniors are a growing population and many are planning to work past their retirement age. Discrimination against age is not only affecting individual employees but ociety as a whole. An employee now has to prove that their age was the sole reason for their employer’s actions, therefore older workers can barely fight or prosecute age discrimination. In 2007, 60-year-old Oklahoma City Teacher Judy Jones filed an age discrimination suit against the superintendant who eliminated her teaching position and reassigned her to an office job as a principal. Judy’s salary decreased and benefits were affected during her second year as principal, while school directors and the superintendant himself frequently commented on Judy’s age and retirement plans. The district court rejected her claim because she â€Å"could not show sufficient evidence† that her age was the sole reason for her relocated position and reduced pay. There have been successful outcomes to Age Discrimination lawsuits as the U. S. Equal Opportunity Commission recently charged two companies with age discrimination. A 70-year- old pharmacist at the Honolulu Kmart was awarded $120,000 after higher management habitually commented on, and wrote about, her elderly age, causing her humiliation and compelling her to retire. In another case, a 75-year-old qualified receptionist was fired based on ge after her second day at work at Red Rock Western Jeep Tours Inc. She filed a lawsuit and it was settled in a $35,000 payout. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 defines discrimination on the basis of pregnancy and childbirth or any other form of illegal sex discrimination. This act is meant to ensure that no woman will be subject to non-hire by an employer due to preg nancy. She is to be treated the same as any other individual and is to be guaranteed benefits and accommodations based on the same policies and procedures as any other employee with a disability. Pregnancy discrimination occurs when expectant mothers are fired, not hired, or otherwise discriminated against due to their pregnancy or intention to become pregnant. Common forms of pregnancy discrimination include not being hired due to visible pregnancy or likelihood of becoming pregnant, being fired after informing an employer of one’s pregnancy, being fired during maternity leave, and receiving a pay dock due to one’s pregnancy. In 1978, the U. S. Congress passed the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, an amendment to the sex discrimination section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act states that discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions constitutes unlawful sex discrimination under Title VII. This clause covers employers with 15 or more employees, including state and local governments. Title VII also applies to employment agencies and to labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. Women who are pregnant or affected by pregnancy-related conditions must be treated in the same manner as other applicants or employees with similar abilities or limitations. An employer may not single out pregnancy related conditions to determine an mployee’s ability to work. However, if an employer requires its employees to submit a doctor’s statement concerning their inability to work before granting leave or paying sick benefits, the employer may require employees affected by pregnancy-related conditions to submit such statements. If an employee is temporarily unable to perform her job because of her pregnancy , the employer must treat her the same way as any other temporarily disabled employee. Pregnant employees must be permitted to work as long as they are able to perform their jobs. If an employee has been absent from work as a result of a pregnancy-related condition nd recovers, her employer may not require her to remain on leave until the baby’s birth. An employer also may not have a rule that prohibits an employee from returning to work for a predetermined length of time after childbirth. Employers must hold open a position for a woman who has been absent due to pregnancy-related issues for the same length of time jobs are held open for employees on sick or disability leave. Any health insurance provided by an employer must cover expenses for pregnancy- related conditions on the same basis as costs for other medical conditions. An employer need ot provide health insurance for expenses arising from abortion, except when the life of the mother is endangered. Pregnancy-related expenses should be reimbursed exactly as those incurred for other medical conditions, whether payment is on a fixed basis or a percentage of a specific amount. The amounts payable b y the insurance provider can be limited only to the same extent of amounts payable for other conditions. No additional, increased, or larger deductible can be imposed. Employers must provide the same level of health benefits for spouses of female employees as they do for spouses of male employees. Pregnancy-related benefits cannot be limited to married employees. Benefits must be provided for pregnancy-related conditions to unmarried women if benefits are provided to employees for other medical conditions. If an employer provides any benefits to workers on leave, the employer must provide the same benefits for those on leave for pregnancy-related conditions. Employees on leave because of pregnancy-related conditions must be treated the same as other temporarily disabled employees for accumulation and crediting of seniority, vacation calculation, pay increases, and temporary disability benefits. A case that was important to the creation of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act was Muller v. Oregon (1908). The Supreme Court upheld a decision limiting women to 10 hour workdays based on the idea that â€Å"performance of maternal functions† made women inherently incapable of the same work that men did. In the 1950s and 1960s, laws in several states prohibited women from working and others banned their hiring for some length of time before and after birth. Reasons for the continuing network discrimination against women include myths about female workers, conscious and unconscious stereotyping and biasing applied by many white en who are desperate to keep their competitive edge over women, and inadequate reporting and dissemination of information pertaining to glass-ceiling issues. The following myths about female employees, despite being disproved, still exist: women executives refuse to work long hours or relocate, and many women executives take leave of absences (and that th ose who go on federally and state protected maternity leave have suddenly lost professional credibility upon becoming pregnant or taking temporary leave). Statistics show women executives work 56 hours per week on average – the same as their ale counterparts. Only 14 percent refused to relocate as compared to 20 percent of the men. Only one-third of female executives surveyed had ever taken a leave of absence and 82 percent of these were for maternity leave or other family reasons protected under FMLA. Finally, there can be a twisted perception that women executives lose their professional credibility upon becoming pregnant or taking maternity leave – an â€Å"out of sight, out of mind† mantra held by their bosses. Furthermore, a pregnant woman obviously has priorities outside of work and a selfish mployer may have the unreasonable expectation of work being a sole priority. Research suggests that an underlying cause of the glass ceiling is the perception of many white males â€Å"that they as a group are losing – losing competitive advantage, losing control, and losing opportunity as a direct consequence of inclusion of women. † There is also a â€Å"difference† barrier â€Å"manifested through conscious and unconscious stereotyping and bias. † People who do hiring feel most comfortable hiring people who look like them. Recruiters for high-status jobs are predominately white males who then hire other white males from the same socio- conomic status, which helps perpetuate their over-representation in the best jobs. Governmental barriers include the collection and disaggregation of employment related data which make it difficult to ascertain the status of various groups at the managerial level. There also continues to be inadequate reporting and dissemination of information pertaining to glass ceiling issues. Most importantly, there needs to be consistent monitoring and enforcement of laws and policies already on the books. The following case demonstrates how costly illegal gender discrimination can be to employers: In May 2010, a jury in the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York awarded a record $250 million in punitive damages to 5,600 female sales employees in a sexual discrimination case after Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (â€Å"Novartis†) took the lawsuit filed against them to court – and lost. In July 2010, the parties reached a $152 million settlement agreement of the plaintiffs’ claims of gender discrimination in the terms and conditions of their employment, including compensation, promotion/promotional opportunities, reviews, and pregnancy leave. The terms of this greement allow for full compensation of former and current female employees dating from 2002-2010, ensuring that every woman who worked at Novartis over the past 8 years was compensated fairly. As part of the settlement, Novartis must also spend an additional $22. 5 million over the next three years on anti-discrimination policies, programs, and training, as well as on strengthening its employee complaint process. Novartis was ordered to increase its Human Resource and Employment Relations staff within nine months of the effective state of the settlement agreement – ensuring that there would be ne Employment Relations Investigator for every 1,000 Novartis employees. A Compliance Master would be appointed as an external specialist for the New York Federal Court to monitor Novartis’s compliance with the settlement agreement’s terms and conditions. Steps that women can take to continue making strides toward an equal opportunity workforce are to show themselves as decision makers, risk-takers, and players. Furthermore, a female manager should do her best to remove gender biases from her own business practices by not comparing her employees to men at the top . In Conclusion, women are just a few steps closer to being looked at as equal to men due to these legal acts. Women now have fewer restrictions and more rights within the workforce. The 1963 Equal Pay Act and 1964 Title VII brought women higher pay and more equal opportunity. Women are now seeing the benefits of Executive Order 11375 which included protection from any sexual harassment. In 1967 the Age Discrimination in Employment Act was put into place to include age from discrimination, and women benefited from the insistence that age should not prevent a capable and qualified person from working. In 1978 the Pregnancy Discrimination Act was implemented so that pregnancy did not determine a woman’s ability to work; it also ensured that she received the same benefits as anyone else with a disability. Furthermore, even today women are fighting to have fair rights within the workplace. Even with the legal clauses, women are faced with stereotypes and glass-ceiling barriers. In order for women to overcome the problems they are tackling, to truly be protected and to have the rights that they deserve, there must be constant reinforcement of the laws that are currently in place. How to cite Gender Discrimination in the Workforce, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Personal Development Planning Management

Question: Define Personal Development Planning? Answer: Introduction:- Humans from the ancient times to this modern world, have come through after overcoming the hurdles and challenges of illiteracy and knowledge. In overcoming all these things the main aspects which help them to reach here is the personal development planning. Basically personal development planning means how you pamper yourself to make yourself a better person in the future. This provide the structured way of thinking what you want to be in your life? Where do want to see yourself in the future? What are goals and ambitions which the person want to achieve in his life? What decisions are wrong and what are right, proper analysis for every step or decision should have clear concept behind it. This will make you the in charge of your life, just make you out of the dilemma of hoping that it will work out somehow. This means that from the student life, it should make it very clear that how the student have to structure his/her life in structure manner (Humphrey, 1995). This concept will m ake their lifes decision for the future. This content is basically depend on the student itself. Important parts for personal development of student:- Student life is most precision time a person ever spend in his/her life time because this is the time you spend in making yourself a better person in the life. The enjoyment, the knowledge and the decision of what a student want to be in his life is always being choose this time. This time shapes your future that how you will be going to spend your life in the future. There certain aspects which are being a concerned in the moral, structural and personal development of the students, the few are being discussed here:- Finding the right balance of work, life and study. Developing autonomy, being an independent learner. Computer literacy and numerical skills. Interpersonal, presentation and communication skills. These are most important aspects which plays a major role in the personal development of a student. Finding the right balance of work, life and study While being a student there should always be take care of the thing that there should be a proper balance in the each and everything i.e work, life and study. There should be proper planning for how you plan to work along with study and how you will balance your personal life. Without balance they all will be messed and this increase the weirdness in the persons attitude. This development can be maintained with the help of proper guidance from the tutor or instructor because the experience hand persona always shares their experiences and always suggest the proper planning for the future and internal development of the student. As personal development planning can be a personal aspects and the guidance from the trusted and knowledgeable person always help taking the right decision at right time. Prioritising the development needs consulation with the supervisor and develop a plan of action. With the time prioritising of the thing what is planned to do is always a right man choice. Develop autonomy/ being an independent learner The student should always be the independent learner because the experience which he gets with the personal interactions will increase its level to face the challenges for the future. The discussion with the experienced people or tutor will a supplement to know whether you think right or wrong (Bradley, 2006).. This is a fact of life that someone will always not be there to help you out and to guide you out in the lifetime, there should be an autonomous decision that what should be right and what should be wrong. Before taking any decision of life there should always be take of the pros and cons of that decision and proper assessment that whether the decision is taken right or wrong. Proper analyses will make the student more clearly from the future aspects. There will not be any dilemma of the decision making process. Being and independent will make the student his/ her own boss.By reflecting on the outcomes and evaluating the achievements will bring the proper development of the st udents attitude. Computer literacy and numerical skills In this running era, there is a basic need of computer literacy and numerical skills. Every work is now based the autonomous system and make the system autonomous there is need of computer skills and software skills. Because everyone is competing to be the best and the best one is who have better skills than that of the runner ups. In the student life the learning process is quite active, so this is the time where a student can learn theoretically and somewhat practically. While taking concern of the numerical skills, this is the most important aspect which will help out throughout the life. Buying a pizza from the pizza hut to buying a car of renowned brand from a dealer, the numerical skills will always prove been to the persons life. Calculative way of taking the lifes decision need numerical skills and it should be fast enough to bring the controlled outcome. Interpersonal, presentation and communication skills The interpersonal and presentation skills will make a flower which attract everyone towards itself. By identifying and self-assessment of the skills make you better and better. And after assessment the proper identification of strength and weaknesses will bring well computed outcome of the personality of the student (Cottrell, 2010).. There is always a need to develop proper skills, this can be done by attending workshops, online courses, attending seminars, conferences. To develop the interpersonal skills and develop the presentation better these a must followed things. After interpersonal and presentation, the most required thing is the communication skills. This will ensures that how make a clear picture of your thoughts into another-persons mind. This is things which show how you clear to people what you want to say to them. If you do not have the right skills to communicate with the people out there than it will be quite difficult for a student to manage himself in a particular circumstances. These were few of the personal development skills which is required to build a students attitude towards life and work. And will make a student think in a structured way about life and its ambitions. Conclusions:- In concluding all the about said facts, the students at GSM, London can develop their focus of learning and improving the academic skills, always keep them motivated. This will further develop the skill of better understanding of learning and improve the performance throughout. Concerning all of the above things will make a student a better and balanced human being in the life. Because life is game of chess there is always a need of safe side of every decision you make in your life. You never know what is going to be happen in next span of time. The balancing of the situation can be done by having a right skills and the foremost thing is to use those skills at the right time. The paper work of the personal development planning will develop skills of every student at GSM, London. This is the right to bring the students on track and make them better person throughout the life. The student is like a immature bowl of sand the way it shaped it, it turned into that. References: 1. Cottrell, S. (2010). Skills for success: The personal development planning handbook. Palgrave Macmillan.2. Clegg, S., Bradley, S. (2006). Models of Personal Development Planning: practice and processes. British Educational Research Journal, 32(1), 57-76.3. Gough, D., Kiwan, D., Sutcliffe, K., Simpson, D., Houghton, N. (2003). Systematic map and synthesis review of the effectiveness of personal development planning for improving student learning.4. Dagley, V., Berrington, B. (2005). Learning from an evaluation of an electronic portfolio to support general practitioners' personal development planning, appraisal and revalidation. Education for Primary Care, 16(5), 567-574.5. Humphrey, W. S. (1995). A discipline for software engineering. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc..6. Juergensmeyer, J. C., Roberts, T. E. (2003). Land use planning and development regulation law (p. 152). St. Paul, MN: Thomson/West.7. Bullock, K., Jamieson, I. (1998). The effectiveness of personal d evelopment planning. Curriculum journal, 9(1), 63-77.8. Day, C. (1994). Personal Development Planning: a different kind of competency.Journal of In-Service Education, 20(3), 287-302.9. Kuh, G. D. (1995). The other curriculum: Out-of-class experiences associated with student learning and personal development. The Journal of Higher Education, 123-155.10. Monks, K., Conway, E., Dhuigneain, M. N. (2006). Integrating personal development and career planning The outcomes for first year undergraduate learning. Active Learning in Higher Education, 7(1), 73-86.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How will changing the distance an elastic band is stretched effect the distance a plastic tub travels down a runway Essay Example

How will changing the distance an elastic band is stretched effect  the distance a plastic tub travels down a runway Essay The aim of this experiment is to see how changing the distance an elastic band is stretched will effect how far a tub is catapulted down a runway.PlanIn our experiment we plan to test how far we can catapult a plastic tub across a runway using an elastic band. We are going to get a runway and place it on a flat surface; at one end we will place a piece of wood horizontally across the width of the underside of the runway. The wood will have two nails in it on which the elastic band will be stretched around, this will come over the top of the runway to allow the elastic band to be pulled back and catapult a plastic tub along the runway. The equipment we will be using is:Runway,Plastic Tub,Length of wood with a nail in either end,Elastic band,Ruler,PencilThis is how we will lay out our experiment:The results we are going to collect are the distance the plastic tub travels. The variable we are going to alter in this experiment is the distance the elastic band is stretched backwards. This will change the force of the elastic band. We are going to change the distance of the elastic band being stretched 10 times, starting at 3cm, and finishing at 30cm, therefore a 3cm gap in between each. We will repeat this experiment 3 times, and work out the averages to eliminate any inaccurate results and to ensure all our results are accurate. To keep this experiment a fair test we will take a few precautions to ensure there is no foul play. We will use the same plastic tub, runway, elastic band, and the same direction in which the plastic tub is fired. We are going to use the same plastic beaker because if we use different tubs for each experiment, the shapes may be different, or the weight may be different and this will affect the distance the tub will travel.We are going to keep the runway the same as this could also affect the distance the tubs travels, due to the friction of the runway or length of the runway. We will also make sure that the runway is on a flat surface at al l times, and in the same place and this could affect the results due to gravity. If the runway is sloping downwards the gravity will pull down on the tub and cause it to move further. We will make sure that the wood with the nails will be kept secure with no movement. We will use the same elastic band because if we change elastic bands they may have different forces in which they fire at, they may be different lengths or thickness and also they may have different tensions. This may cause the results to be inaccurate. Lastly we will make sure that we catapult the tub in the same direction as if we change direction this may affect the results due to air resistance. The wind may be blowing in a different way, which will cause inaccurate results.PredictionI think that as the distance the elastic band is stretched back increases, so will the distance the tub travels. I think this because of the following equation:Work Done = Force x DistanceThe force, in this case being friction, will st ay the same because the weight inside the tub is staying constant and we are using the same surface throughout the experiment, these are not changing so the force will also stay constant and not change. According to my prediction, as the work done (energy given to the tub by the elastic band) increases, so will the distance the tub travels.MethodThe way we carried out our experiment was how we planned it apart from two things that we added to ensure a more accurate experiment. When we were measuring how far we pulled back the elastic band, we actually marked on the runway each distance to ensure that it was the exact distance that it needed to be so when we repeated the experiment it would be in exactly the same place. This kept the test fairer and I think gave us more accurate results.The second thing we altered is we put weights in the tub. When we were carrying out test runs we soon found out that the tub would fly way past the end of the runway and usually end up on the floor. T o overcome this problem we put 500grams of weights in the tub. This made the tub catapult only onto the runway; as a result our results were easier to measure and so more accurate.ResultsThis is our table of results that we collected from our experiment.Distance BandDistanceTub Travelled(cm)AverageStretched (cm)1st Test2nd Test3rd Test(cm)3000061. looking at this table of results I can see that as I increase the distance the elastic band is stretched, the distance travelled increases, but I cannot see a pattern in the rate of increase, I will have to draw out a graph to make this clearer.(Graph attached)I have drawn a line of best fit onto my graph to try and see any patterns but I still cant find any, to find a pattern I will have to draw out a table to work out the percentage increase.By looking at my table I can see that the re is a fairly obvious pattern. Each time there is an increase I can see that each increase is about 40% or 50%. This pattern shows me that the distance travelled is increasing at a steady and similar amount each time.ConclusionsMy results show that as I increased the distance that the elastic band is stretched; the distance the tub travels also increases. This matches up with my prediction and so my prediction was right. I can tell that my prediction was right from the graphs because my line of best fit is curving up, starting at 0. This tells me the distance the tub travelled increases as the distance the band is stretched increases. If the line has been curving down, this would tell me that as the distance the elastic band is stretched increased, the distance the tub travelled would decrease.I know that the results didnt increase proportionally because if the had done then the line would be a diagonal line, starting at 0 and going directly through the centre of the graph. As this matches up with my prediction, this means that the equation in which I associated this experiment was also correct. The equation wasWork Done = Force x Distance.Evaluation/CriticismIf I were given opportunity to do this experiment again I would change a few things about how I carried it out. Firstly I would have put more measures in place to make sure my methods were fairer, one of then being make sure it is the same person who pulled the elastic band back each time and also have a longer runway so as the tub didnt crash into the end. I would also make sure that my results were more accurate by marking all the measurements on at once, and also repeating my experiment 5 times to ensure better and more accurate results. I would improve the whole thing by using a much thicker rubber band, as the ones we were given were very thin and could snap easily.In my table of percentage increase I can see that there is one result that does not fit the pattern. I think this is because it is just a duff result and if I were to do this experiment again I would ensure that this didnt happen by repeating the experiment 5 times.If I were to do another experiment to find more about my aim I would probably do an experiment to test how increasing the amount of elastic bands affects the distance a plastic tub will catapult.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Give them what they want essays

Give them what they want essays Todays media culture is extremely manipulative. Serving an enormous market, record companies, radio stations, TV networks, etc. are trying to secure their success. Teens are told what to feel, what to like, and ultimately what to buy. Teenagers are the hottest consumer demographic in America. At 33 million strong,... last year, Americas teens spent $100 billion, while influencing their parents spending to the tune of another $50 billion. (The Merchants of Cool 2001:Synopsis). Media markets are constantly trying to keep up with what is cool and trendy keeping up with what image sells well. Amazing amounts of funding goes into this research. Markets try hard to maintain a hip image thats as genuine and real as can be. To Americas youth, MTV, KIIS fm, and the rest, seem so on point when it comes to being cool. Magazines are also bombarding teens with tons of advertising and articles on how to be the life of the party. It seems as if what was once something people sought for their amusement or interest, has become the very things they rely on for successful living. Companies have made media addicts out of todays youth; they tell teens what they want, package it, then sell it to them. Teenagers are ready to follow w hatever messages these companies have to tell them, however coded they may be. Teens know when theyre being fed some prepackaged image- correction, teens think they know. Its hard not to be cynical about anything these days, when one knows its corporate/money-interested origins. The Merchants of Cool talk about a band called Insane Clown Posse based in downtown Detroit. The teens called it rage rock and claimed it as their own. Rage rock is literally a challenge thrown up to marketers; just try to market this! But marketers have accepted the challenge; rage rock is now a big business. N...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

7.2. Did the British lose or did the Americans win the American Essay

7.2. Did the British lose or did the Americans win the American Revolution - Essay Example In my opinion, the Americans managed to win the revolution war by a whisker despite the low military strength and their poor learning. Several factors led to the British being defeated by the Americans. One of the reasons was that the Americans had a lot of support from the rest of the continent with the British having less of that. This is because they had tried to lure people to join them but they used force and restrictive laws and very few people joined them. This I think was a major boost to the side of the Americans in the revolution. The Americans had little resources than the British but they had much quicker access to them2. While Britain had to wait for almost three months, the Americans had immediate reach and this boosted their win and success of the revolution. Generally, the Americans saw the revolution more as a movement than it was a war. The support they had and the bad reputation of Britain all led to the defeat of Britain, but the major reason why they lost was because they tried to kill this revolution by

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Relationship Marketing, Electronic Marketing and Integrated Marketing Assignment - 1

Relationship Marketing, Electronic Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications - Assignment Example This essay stresses that electronic marketing comprises of all those realms where product promotion and customer relations come in direct contact with the various electronic media forms. These can entail the television, the radio, the Internet and other related disciplines. Since the electronic marketing discussion is centered on a wider spectrum than relationship marketing, its positives as well as negatives are immensely drawn so as to gain a fair enough understanding. The relational sentiment is thus made apparent through the efforts of the people who bring forward the relationship marketing, electronic marketing and the integrated marketing communications domains to the fore. This paper makes a conclusion that the marketing discipline is indeed comprised of a number of entities, all of which play one role or the other. These dictate the essential basis of understanding where the problems lie and how these can be done away with as and when required. Also a proactive measure sets the basis of undertaking quite a few steps which are geared to achieve results for the betterment of both the business and the end consumers. All said and done, the overlapping of the three forms of marketing is always a good omen for the marketers, the end consumers and the marketing process. It is because of these measures that the brands and campaigns are able to reach out to newer markets, reclaim the old ones and thus reinforce sales whilst building a positive word of mouth all along.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Andrew Landers Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Andrew Landers Project - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that music is the air we breathe and the water in our rivers. Listening to music that is different then what we would normally listen to is important to expand our knowledge and to learn appreciation. The researcher states that Andrew Landers is a musician who writes his own music and practices a mixture of folk and blues with a percussive approach that leads one into the music and works hard to keep them from leaving. On his website, he writes that he loves hot wings and his â€Å"hot† wife. He goes on to describe his family of 5 boys and one Cinderella and then partially describes his playing style and what he uses to play. In this case, he works specifically with acoustic guitars and depending on the venue or his mood he will use one of three that he has. (Landers) Influences for his music range from Johnny Cash to Jack Johnson and his music does have a very Jack Johnson vibe to it. This essay discusses that this group the Andrew Landers Project also includes a talented pianist Matt Podschweit. A little more background would be nice, however, given what he sings about and how he approaches the audience says as much or more than a bio ever could. The concert had more than just these two involved though this is their normal retinue. Unfortunately, I do not recall the other names involved at the concert as the musical experience made it easy to forget the introductions. Music Type Folksy blues music is not always easily understood. Folk music can be defined as music from the mouth, singing music. And is a popular approach to music around the world. With some musical accompaniment the individuals sing stories and tales. Blues is a music form that originated with the African Americans in the United States, it is a form of music used to convey the hardships and passion experienced by them and is commonly seen as an evolution of the West African musical approach. (The blues 1) The mixture of folk and blues brings an earthy sense to the drifting, haunting musical qualities that make blues popular. The Andrew Landers project does a very good job of bringing the music together with the message and ensures a pleasurable experience and with a true blues approach. With every new song it becomes apparent that his musical styling’s are very much influenced by the popular Jack Johnson who is also a master at using music to tell a story we can all relate to. Location and time of concert The concert itself was February the 4th 2011 at the Redstone Room in Davenport Iowa. This venue is located on the second floor of the not-for-profit River Music Experience building and allows seating of 250 persons. (Redstone Room 1) The Redstone Room allows a very intimate approach to music and is a perfect venue for a folk/blues musician such as the Andrew Landers experience. The concert itself was a great mix of intimacy and tonal qualities that made it difficult to leave when it was over. In looking back it seems that if he was in a larger venue it may be easy to lose the genuine feeling his music and approach allows in this much smaller yet still classy environment. If you are a music lover and have a chance to stop in Davenport Iowa make sure you check out one of the acts at the Redstone Room, it is an experience that cannot be duplicated regardless of your experience. With a great coffee shop in the ground floor and some refreshments available it made it an all-around beautiful experience. Personal observations and opinions The song â€Å"A son of a preacher man which I resemble† was played and it immediately garnered my attention. As he sings through the tonal lyrics the accompanying guitar work makes it difficult to turn away. The lyrics themselves were light enough to easily enjoy and still put a deep message across,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Guided reading

Guided reading Guided reading takes place when a child reads out loud to an adult, in class most probably the teacher, or any other proficient reader. He is also given feedback about this. The teacher supports small groups of beginning readers based on childrens abilities and needs. This grouping is done after continuous observation and assessment by the teacher. The books chosen for the sessions which are called â€Å"levelled readers† [1][1] match the childrens ability level. Whilst being interesting and motivating, they should meet the objectives for the group. This way, levelled reading moves away from the one size fits all approach to reading where the entire class reads the same book. Rather, it is more personalised and gives each child the opportunity to develop at his own rate. The teacher monitors the childs progress and helps him learn to read. The level of the book can be increased as children progress. There might still be some children who go beyond the assigned book level. As emphasised by Saunders (n.d.), it is very important that teachers do not restrict children to the book level they are at. Still while it is important for children to be challenged in their reading, it is equally important that theyare given the opportunity to read at a level they feel comfortable. This helpsthem be more enthusiastic to read and more likely to take on challenging reading themselves which is what guided reading aims to achieve. Texts which would have previously been read should also be available so children can reread them on their own, with others or at home as they become fluent and confident readers. Guided reading helps children be more positive towards reading. They start making more sense of what they read and be more aware of the language used and the concepts in the text. Clidas (n.d.), emphasizes that guided reading enables beginning readers to take on more responsibility. They are taught to tackle new vocabulary using strategies they have already learnt. Both good and struggling readers benefit from guided reading. Gagen (n.d.) reports research [2][2] showing that children who read out loud in guided reading sessions not only become more fluent and able to recognize words, but also have a higher comprehension level. During guided reading the child becomes more attentive to details and expands his vocabulary repertoire. He can also be helped to identify weaknesses and strengthen particular skillswhich help him with reading and understanding the meaning of words. Language conventions like punctuation are presented in a context that matches the childrens reading ability. Children are also given the opportunity to memorise and recognise high-frequency words as well as understanding the concept of sequencing in a story; the beginning, middle and ending part. Above all, guided reading offers a wonderful opportunity for both the child and the fluent reader to share the joy of reading a story together in a supportive environment. References Clidas, J. (n.d.). Guided Reading with Emergent Readers. Bebop Books. Craig Low: NY. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from www.bebopbooks.com/images/pdfs/intro.pdf Gagen, M. (n.d.). The Importance of Guided Reading. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://www.righttrackreading.com/guidedreading.html Guided Reading. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://cksec.org/index2.php?option=com_docmantask=doc_viewgid=50Itemid=80 Guided Reading. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://wwwfp.education.tas.gov.au/English/guidedread.htm Holly, J. (n.d.). Compendium of Instructional Strategies. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://home.earthlink.net/~jhholly/guidedreading.htm Kennen, E. (August 11, 2007). Guided Reading Activities. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://primary-school-curriculum.suite101.com/article.cfm/guided_reading_activities Saunders, B. (n.d.). Advantages of Levelled Book Reading. Retrieved February 25, 2010, from http://www.wordsplural.com/wordpress/learn-words/leveled-book-reading/ University of Arkansas at Little Rock Training Center ( 2003). Guided Reading. Retrieved March 20, 2010, from https://www.msu.edu/user/tarjason/What%20is%20Guided%20Reading.pdf [1][1] Saunders, B. (n.d.). Advantages of Levelled Book Reading. Retrieved February 25, 2010, from http://www.wordsplural.com/wordpress/learn-words/leveled-book-reading/ [2][2] National Reading Panels Teaching Children to Read: Summary Report www.nationalreadingpanel.org/publications/summary.htm cited in Gagen, M. (n.d.). The Importance of Guided Reading. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from http://www.righttrackreading.com/guidedreading.html

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: English Literature

Mark Twain: Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn There are many wonderful books written by great authors. However the writer who inspired me the most is the one and only Mark Twain. I was impressed by his books since I was a child. The two novels which I enjoyed were two of his most famous works, Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. These books are considered to be masterpieces by a lot of people. Samuel Clemens, better known by his pseudonym Mark Twain, was born in Florida, Missouri, in 1835. When Samuel Clemens was twelve years old, his father died. After his father’s death Clemens went to become a printer’s apprentice. His childhood dream was to become a steamboat salesman, and ride along the river down the stream. He had this goal achieved early in life until the Civil War came along putting him out of business. The Civil War forced Clemens out west in search of gold but ended up becoming a reporter for the Virginia City newspaper. While Twain was traveling the nation with his lectures he met his future wife Olivia. While trying to earn Olivia’s love, Twain wrote over two-hundred love letters, trying to earn her fathers respect and have permission to marry her. He then after this wrote his very first best seller which was called â€Å" Innocence Abroad†. Through many writers Twain was slowly becoming the United States first celebrity. He was selling his name, Twain became spokespersons for all different types of products, putting his face on to anything which companies thought would help sell there products. While Twain was away from the public life, he was able to create two very well known classics: Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. However at one point in time, Twain experience financial problems and had to declare bankruptcy. His next money making idea was to travel the world and make money by giving lectures. He became very famous from this. During this trip however his wife became very sick and died along with one of his daughters. When he returned home he was very lonely, and his life changed a lot. At the time Mark Twain was the most influential person in the country. This man who started out as a printers apprentice and a steamboat salesman was able to become the most well known person. Twain died in 1910 and still until now he is very respected and a well known writer. When I was a little girl I loved to read Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I remember reading it at my grandmother’s garden

Monday, November 11, 2019

Creating Shared Value

Summary of ‘Creating shared value’ by M. Porter and M. Kramer The problem nowadays is that most businesses don’t have the right purpose ‘in mind’. They have a narrow-minded view in making profit and thus optimizing short-time financial performance. This old capitalistic view leads to a vicious circle. More specifically, the corporation doesn’t keep its environment and the broader community in mind while making profit and so they are perceived as (partly) responsible for society’ failures. This is where political leaders undermine competitiveness by setting the appropriate policies.The old, narrow view of capitalism leads to growing competition and shorter term performance pressures from shareholders. Shorting investor time horizons leads to outsourcing and offshoring which weakens the connection between the firm and its community. The solution lies in redefining the purpose of the corporation as creating shared value. This means enhancin g the competitiveness of the corporation while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in its communities. The market should be redefined by societal needs, rather than convential economic needs.To create shared value, there are three main ways: reconceiving the products and market, redefining productivity in the value chain and enabling local cluster development. These ways are mutually reinforcing while creating shared value. By reconceiving products and markets, corporations can meet the demand for products and services that satisfy societal needs. In this way, there’s more space for innovation. Also, in developing countries and nontraditional communities in advanced economies equal or greater opporunities arise.Opportunities increase when capitalism starts working in these poor countries. These opportunities change constantly because of developping economies and evolving technologies. Another source of creating shared value lies in transforming the val ue chain. For instance by reexaminating energy use and logistics, huge costs can be saved for the company and at the same time for society. Another example is the advantage of buying from capable local suppliers. This avoids costs by avoiding inefficiencies and lowering input costs.This also means sharing technology and improve supplier quality and productivity by better procurement. Employee productivity can be improved by offering health care coverage, because poor health costs firms more than health benefits. Companies need to embrace locational thinking because of the rising costs of energy and carbon emissions. Enabling local clusters plays a crucial role to boost productivity. As mentioned, logistics through local suppliers avoid lots of internal costs.In monopolized markets, people often get exploited, prices are not fair and thus productivity will suffer through a lack of incentives for the workers. This indicates that the formation of open and transparent markets are necess ary to create shared value. We can conclude that business can earn the respect of society again by respecting the new, more sophisticated form of capitalism. This new view focuses on profits that create societal benefits rather than diminish them, which creates shared value.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Two Pieces of Freedom essays

Two Pieces of Freedom essays Thomas Jefferson and Martin Luther King Jr. are remembered among Americans today as innovators for freedom. Jefferson, aside from being the 3rd president of the United States, is most famous for delivering Americas birth by writing and revising the Declaration of Independence, a document that declares independence for America. King is famous for his role as a leader in civil rights and speech titled I Have a Dream, the purpose of which is to eradicate prejudice. These two powerful documents have many similarities as well as differences. For example, the similarities are that they both are important, use similar ideas for support, and inspire unintended audiences; and some of the differences are their intended audience, strategies, and necessity. These pieces primary resemblance would have to be their importance. Jeffersons document is an official national document with international recognition. Not only do its contents declare freedom for America from England, it provides foundations and principles which future generations of Americans follow. While Kings piece screams for the equality of African-Americans that have been unfairly discriminated against, it also gives hope which at times is very much needed. A common ground that they share is that both these works are responsible for the changes of many lives. In addition, these two pieces make use of similar ideas for support. Both apply earlier ideas from a respected person for credibility. For example, Jefferson uses a politically philosophical belief from a famous philosopher named John Locke. Locke says that all men are born with certain rights, and it is from the security of these rights that a government is established. Jefferson applies Lockes idea when he writes in the Declaration of Independence, All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable R...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Christopher Columbus essays

Christopher Columbus essays Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer, was from Genoa. He sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492. His main goal was to find a route to the Indies to be able to trade goods and to carry the message of Jesus Christ to faraway lands. Between 1492 and 1504 he took a total of four trips to the Caribbean and South America. Christopher Columbus was the oldest son of Domenico Colombo and Susanna Fontanarossa. He was born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa, which was known as the trading center for goods from the Far East. His parents named him Cristoforo, which is the Italian name for Christopher. He had four brothers and one sister. His father was a weaver and a cloth merchant. Everyone in his family helped work in the shop. As a small child he went to a school set up by the weavers guild. The children were needed to work, therefore, school was only held for a few hours each day. They were taught math and Latin. As a teenager, his father sent him to the University of Pavia. While there, he studied geometry, astronomy, grammar, geography, the Latin language, and navigation. When he was about twenty years old he worked on a cargo ship that sailed on the Mediterranean Sea. On the first time passing the Portugal Coast, his ship was sunk by an enemy ship. He swam for six miles holding on to an oar until he reached Lagos. After spending a few months there, he went to live with his brother, Bartholomew, in Lisbon. He taught himself how to read and write in the language that the people of Lisbon used, Castilian. To earn a living, Columbus became a chart maker. The knowledge Columbus gained while collecting evidence for his charts convinced him that there were lands across the great ocean and he had to find them. Around 1480 Columbus married Felipa Perestrello e Moniz. She was the daughter of a Portuguese nobleman. After being married for about one year they moved to Porto Santa. While there, he started working on his plans to sa...

Monday, November 4, 2019

You choose paper topic Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

You choose topic - Research Paper Example reportedly practiced from the western stretch of Africa into the central, eastern and north eastern Africa excluding the Northern Arabic and South African countries. It has been conducted by selective ethnicities, tribes and clans and often associated with Islamic religion, majorly on the grounds of upholding traditions and cultures, for chastity, purification and as a religious obligation. These justifications are based on beliefs and myths of the traditions and religion. Depending on the interventions taken in country levels to fight FGM some have facilitated the decline of the prevalence rate, while others remain dormant or ineffective. To curb the problem, safe shelters for FGM escapees have been established and even funded, while anti-FGM laws and campaigns are broadly in place as government strive to enforce the regulations. Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a global problem affecting a minority of the female gender and associated with serious health illnesses. Women and young girls (minor) have fallen victims of the prevalent FGM, often embraced in the settings and societies they are brought up. It is a procedure that has seen millions of women suffer, ashamed and even afraid to speak about it. While male circumcision is acceptable and dominant across the continents, female circumcision has in the past attracted divided attention from its supporters and opponents. It’s a widespread problem in Africa and Middle East compared to the western world. However, due to the immigration policies adopted by different industrialized nations, the FGM culture did gradually enter into the western countries, especially since the first black movement from the south into the north. According to WHO, female circumcision is an operation â€Å"involving removal of total or partial external female genitalia or othe r injuries to the female genital organs for non medical reasons† (2008, p.2). The research paper expounds on the study of FGM in Africa With regard to the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How Social Media Changed the Way people Communicate Essay

How Social Media Changed the Way people Communicate - Essay Example Papyrus helped in improving communication during the time as it could be moved from one place to another. Additionally, smoke signals were relied on during the prehistoric age. The smoke signals were popular among the American Indians (History World, n.d.). On the other hand, the sending of written message is thought to have begun on 6th century BC. Most of the government in this era relied on written content for communication. The Persians were the first to rely on written form of communication (History World, n.d.). On the later period, people focused on ways of improving the speed of the messenger. Such form of advance focused on developing excellent roads, fast riders and well-provisioned staging posts that were more accessible to freshmen and horses (History World, n.d). The effectiveness of communication was further improved by use of domesticated pigeons in the 11th century (History World, n.d.). Moreover, communication was quickly revived with the development of the printing press (History World, n.d.). The first publication were made in Germany in 15th century and then spread to the rest of the world. After this period, different printing press emerged in Switzerland, Venus, Paris, London, and Sweden (History World, n.d.). Consequently, the printing of books and pamphlets begun in these areas most of which were used in transmitting propaganda. Moreover, the printing press was followed by the advent of newspapers in the 17th century (History World, n.d.). The various disharmonies that were taking place in Europe made many people longing for information about the latest events (History World, n.d.). Consequently, the printers and publishers put more effort in ensuring people had the necessary information on time. The most published papers at the time were from Germany. Communication was rapidly improved in the 19th century. The invention in this era led to the development of letter, Penny post, and affordable post (Lambert, 2013). Moreover, there was the invention of telegraph, and this made it possible to send a message over a long distance in an efficient way. Furthermore, there as development of fax machine and telephone in 184 and 1876 (Lambert, 2013). Indeed, communication improved significantly in the 20th century. At this period, radios and televisions were developed and covered information during war (Lambert, 2013). Consequently, information was readily available. Later years saw the rise of telephone. In fact, this allowed making of calls and passing of commercial text through the mobile phone. In the 21st century, communication has been totally revolutionized. The transformation has taken place through the emergence of internet. Consequently, various forms of social sites have emerged such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and email (Tuft University, 2013, p.1). Therefore, communication has been made easy and efficient. A reflection on different types of social media social media helps in highlighting ways in which communic ation has been changed; this occurs in terms of society interaction, awareness on various issues taking place in the world, control over people lives, increased transparency, increased avenues of communication, and change of ways of society communicate. Social Media Social media has provided a platform for interaction of people. â€Å"The social sites help people make, share, and/ or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks†

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Chinese Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Chinese Culture - Research Paper Example If in case any individual in a group is having opinion mismatch with that of the group, then the individual is expected to suppress the thoughts without disturbing the group's activities. (Pratt, D. D.1991) Such a practice could also be viewed as forcing a common thought upon everybody. But this is their culture and they have been practicing it for quite long years. We have to say that they got used to it. Now, in the recent past a TV show called "Super girls" has been commenced and succeeded as well. It is a talent reality show which brings out the talents of an individual to the sight of everybody by giving them a suitable platform. Another interesting fact about this show is that, it is the public who judge the show. They vote for their favorite star of the show and thus the winner is selected. But it is been condemned by the commentators that the Super girls show is kindling the individualistic feeling amidst the collectivism practitioners. Many have started protesting against the show fearing that the show may disturb the Chinese culture. But on the other hand the public started enjoying the entertainment. They are glad to vote for their stars. (Ding, Y. 2008) China is a country which always value team success. Simply speaking, they follow collectivism. They give much importance to group thoughts than the individual opinion. This practice is strictly followed by them in the name of culture. Chinese people have not practiced direct election. But recently the situation has changed because of the Super Girl show in China. It is condemned by the analysts that this show has initiated amidst people individualism. Let us discuss whether the show is really spreading individualism among the Chinese youths. The Chinese culture -A History Change - has been the most prominent factor characterizing the world of today. Every second of our life is changed as discoveries and inventions galore the place we live on. This kind of transformation is not new to the least. It has been a constant factor; right from man finding fire to the scientific revolution, travelling from bullock-carts to modern cars, from eating anything to standardizing the meal we take, the world has almost seen everything. Each change in turn was diversified among several groups of people based on their idealistic values, the ethical principles they followed and their welfare corresponding to their geographical region. These diversified changes slowly developed as cultural behavior of that particular group. Then there came a point where all the diversifications attained saturation. In the end, instead of these changes governing the cultural behavior, it turned out the direct opposite way where cultural behavior dominates the changes. (Songhua, F, n. d) For now, the cycle has turned again. It's almost a revolutionizing act if a person does the direct opposite of what their culture intends them to do. Chinese culture gives the Chinese people their basic identity. They have certain core values which are exclusive and consistent, and these are fashioned by a tradition of four thousand years of history and maintained by the same language as well. Considered to be one of the oldest cultures, the Chinese culture has a vast and traditional history. Several groups of p

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A poem in which the poet creates a picture Essay Example for Free

A poem in which the poet creates a picture Essay Task-Choose a poem in which the poet creates a picture of a heroic or corrupt figure. Discuss the means by which the personality is clearly depicted. A poem in which the poet creates a picture of a corrupt figure is Porphyria’s Lover by Robert Browning. The poem written in 1837 is in the form of a dramatic monologue which helps to show the true nature of the corrupt sociopath. Throughout the poem Browning uses a series of literacy devices to help convey this idea. The form of the poem, dramatic monologue, is significant as the reader only ever experiences the speaker’s feelings and recollections of events. This forces the reader to doubt the narrator at various points throughout the poem. This form also leaves the reader believing that the situation is less straightforward than that being described. It is clear from the outset of the poem that the speaker in the poem is troubled. Through Browning’s use of pathetic fallacy in the first four lines of the poem he does not only illustrate the extreme weather conditions but also the speaker’s mind set: â€Å"It tore the elm-tops down for spite† This effectively highlights the speakers’s bitterness due to Porphyria’s failure to appear for their arranged meeting. Browning deliberately compares the speaker’s emotional condition to the weather as these are all negative emotions. The words sullen, spite and vex are the first early clues that the reader sees about the speaker’s true nature; being that of violence and aggression. The fact that the narrator is so distraught at the idea of not seeing Porphyria is the first slight indication towards his obsession with her. Also, the fact that the speaker is waiting for Porphyria immediately suggests that she in is control of their relationship; something that would have been extremely unusual and possibly slightly shocking to the Victorian audiences that the poem was written for. This idea is also suggested by the title of the poem. The title Porphyria’s Lover suggests that the speaker is dissatisfied; he wants to be more than just her Lover and feel less emasculated by her strong character. Browning also drops a hint of the speaker’s corrupt nature through the rhythm and rhyme scheme in the poem. The rhythm of the poem is iambic tetrameter which in this poem serves to create a regular pattern. The point in using this rhythm is to make the speaker seem rational, calm and normal while effectively disguising his true nature. However the Rhyme in the poem follows the scheme of ABABB. Unlike the regular, naturalistic rhythm of the poem the rhyme scheme is asymmetrical and adds intensity to the speaker’s words. This is possibly a hint to the speaker’s unstable nature and the madness within his head. The speaker’s obsession with Porphyria is developed when she eventually enters the cottage. He describes her as having â€Å"glided† in which shows she moved elegantly and gracefully. This word choice captures the speaker’s passion for Porphyria. The reader learns from the poem that she is from a higher social class than the narrator, which in turn makes the reader suspect that their relationship is a forbidden affair. However, this is left ambiguous and for the reader to decide. â€Å"straight/She shut the cold out and the storm† The poet’s use of enjambment here emphasises the power of Porphyria’s arrival and this also helps to continue the idea that she holds the dominant role in their relationship. The poet uses transferred epithet to stress the immediacy of the change in atmosphere after Porphyria’s arrival. Her practical actions represent the change in the speaker’s mind set. This example of transferred epithet effectively represents the immediate effect that Porphyria’s entrance had on the speaker. At the beginning of the story his heart was cold and his mind was stormy whereas following her entrance he feels content and calmed by her presence as she has metaphorically shut the storm out of his mind. Another aspect of the poem which would have been somewhat shocking to a Victorian audience is the unusually sexual manner in which Porphyria next behaves. She removes her outdoor clothing, lets her hair hang lose, puts her arm around the narrator, positions his head on her bare shoulder then proceeds to declare her love for him. However the narrator’s reaction to this takes the reader by surprise. A dash is used to introduce a change in tone as the speaker begins to describe Porphyria in a negative light: â€Å"Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavour† Here, Browning writes in an almost contemptuous tone. The narrator is disapproving as he believes that- although Porphyria wants nothing more than to be with him- she is unable to leave behind other ties in her life which are preventing her from being with the speaker forever. The narrator’s resentment towards these complications out-with his control is portrayed as resentment towards Porphyria and this sudden change in mood offers the first slight indication that the narrator is not mentally stable. At this point in the poem the reader does not know whether to trust all that the speaker is saying. We are shocked by the speaker’s lack of interest and lack of love towards Porphyria. However, the speaker then experiences the sudden realisation later in the poem that Porphyria worshiped him. This is a very strong emotional word which goes past simple passion and suggests he believes that he is the only thing Porphyria really cares about. It also shows that the speaker thinks of himself as almost god-like in her eyes. He is vain and narcissistic. Any sane person would be content with the declaration of love however not the speaker. The reader being sane finds his next actions even more shocking. He is not sane, he is troubled and his corrupt nature is beginning to show. The poem reaches the shocking and disturbing turning point when becomes clear that the speaker is going to strangle Porphyria: â€Å"I found\ A thing to do†.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Unity And Diversity In The New Testament Religion Essay

Unity And Diversity In The New Testament Religion Essay The author of this article on Unity and Diversity in the New Testament, D. A. Carson, develops a reflection in defending the unity of the New Testament having in consideration the diversity of it. He starts his reflection by describing and then criticizing some works done by others scholars to be able to state his position on the matter. One of the works was the book Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity written by W. Bauer, which Carson strongly criticizes because of his abandonment of the New Testament based on disagreement of the existence of the first century church (66). According to Carson, this critical reconstruction of early church history, coupled with other developments that equally depreciate the truthfulness of the New Testament have generated a host of writings exploring the nature of New Testament theology (67). Carson proposes that systematic theology and biblical theology are necessary for the understanding of such unity in the New Testament even when there i s diversity. Contribution to the Idea of Doing Biblical Theology Carson defines biblical theology as the branch of theology whose concern it is to study each corpus of the Scripture in its own right, especially with respect to its place in history of Gods unfolding revelation (69). For him it is very important to his readers to know that biblical theology has played an important role in the development of the unity of the New Testament because of the historical facts that go with it. On the other hand, Carson defines systematic theology as the branch of theology that seeks to elaborate the whole and the parts of Scripture (69). In my analysis, I noticed that systematic theology has to do with logical instead of historical links. However, I also noticed that there is a connection between biblical theology and systematic theology. Carson asserted, biblical theology must be systematic; even if it focuses on the historical place and significance of each corpus; and systematic theology, if it turns on fair exegesis, must perforce rely on historical considerations (70). In my understanding, it seems that the author is emphasizing the need for unity in the New Testament to be able to apply either biblical or systematic theologies. In Carsons criticism, he cites the works of J.D.G. Dunn especially the kerigma of Jesus (72). Not only does Dunn develop the idea of the use of the kerigma but also the use of the Old Testament manuscripts, other worship concepts, and the study of the life of Christ. However, Dunn excludes the evidence in the Gospel of John. He eliminates the kerigma. He avoids discussing about this topic. On the other hand, Carson asserts that the factor that determines the unity of the New Testament is the person of Jesus as a man and Jesus as the glorified one and concludes that there was diversity among the Christians in the first century (72). He disagrees, as do I, about Dunns conclusion that Jesus was not, in His own teaching, the object of faith (74). No wonder Carson labels Dunns book as superficial (77). In spite of all of his criticism to Dunns works, the author switches viewpoints to discuss the importance of systematic theology in being coherent to the culture or context being studied. In this sense, he develops four positions to back up his statements. The first position is that the Scripture is faithful and historically testable (79). The second position is that the laws of logic help in the integration of knowledge and communication of the truth (80). The third position is that systematic theology requires documentation to deal with the Bible topics (81). The last position is that systematic theology needs to have biblical data including the sixty-six books of the canon (82). He also discusses the topic of diversity in the New Testament characterized by synthesizing the truth found in the Bible in contemporary terms (83), and the distinction of how a writer records and interpret that truth (84). In addition, the diversity also includes the own personal interests and ideologies of the writers, which means that two authors could be talking about the same topic but with different words and writing styles. Implications for My Ministry The author helped me to understand the differences between biblical and systematic theology and the importance in applying correct methodology when analyzing biblical texts. He showed me through this article that exegesis interacts with biblical theology; biblical theology interacts with historical theology; and historical theology interacts with systematic theology. All of them interact with each other. Another implication in my ministry is that I need to teach the Scripture and transmit to my congregation and youth group that it is trustworthy. In addition, I need to legitimize that there is harmony in both theologies, biblical and systematic theologies. This understanding will help me to have a better interpretation of biblical passages. Finally, something that I learned from D.A. Carson is to have a broad analysis and criticism about works of other authors in order to make the truth be revealed through the processes involved in systematic theology. This analysis will help me to think critically with the purpose of deciphering truth.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gimpel :: Essays Papers

Gimpel In the short stories ‘Gimpel the Fool† and â€Å"Death of a Traveling Salesman† we meet two characters that are vastly different and yet very similar. One is Gimpel, a naà ¯ve Jew living in Russia that is the joke of the town, Frampol. The other is R.J. Bowman, a traveling salesman, who is judgmental and rather suspicious about most things. Bowman in the story is very sick and has had a car accident where he needs to retrieve his car from a ditch and receives help from a couple that lives in the area. The two are very similar in that they both change in personality, Bowman becomes less cynical and suspicious by being helped, while Gimpel becomes much less naà ¯ve by being neglected and mistreated. Gimpel is portrayed by Singer as a role model, while is sharp contrast Welty depicts Bowman as the opposite, who realizes his inequities too late. In the Gimpel story, Singer presents the main character in a fashion that the reader is very sympathetic for him. The stereo typical â€Å"nerd†, an outcast that is rejected society. Gimpel is troubled by the hecklers that antagonize him and often seeks help. â€Å"I went to the rabbi to get some advice. He said, â€Å"It is written, better to be a fool all your days than for one hour be evil.† (Singer 197) The rabbis are the only ones in the story who don’t deceive Gimpel. Gimpel is forced into a marriage to with Elka a sinful woman, with a nasty mouth. â€Å"They were afraid to start anything with Elka. Her mouth would open as if it were on a hinge, and she had a fierce tongue.† (Singer 197) Gimpel is quite aware of her notoriety. â€Å"I cried, â€Å"you’re wasting your time. I’ll never marry that whore.† Gimpel sees marriage as an escape in being the town’s joke so he weds Elka. He loves Elka though she neglects him and cheats on him his love stands. This is a possible allusion to the book of Hosea. His character is also evident in the fact that he loves children that he knows are not his. Though he is treated bad he is still thankful for his family, showing his humbleness. â€Å"†¦I am a man, the husband of a fine wife, the father of promising children.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dynamics Of Globalization Essay

Liberalism usually refers to a wide range of associated ideologies, political traditions, philosophical views and doctrines which oftentimes emphasize individual rights and advocates individual liberty. Liberalism seeks a society distinguished by a freedom of thought for individuals. Embedding it globally of course would propose both advantages and disadvantages which definitely should be weighed first. A body thus is necessary, to weight these advantages and disadvantages, which is comprised of people who don’t â€Å"act† but rather implement for the benefit of a greater number of people if not all without disregarding their freedom. The proposed or depicted main drivers of the anti-globalization backlash should be taken into account before its implementation or execution and certain measures should be done to avoid them, if not totally remove them. The first backlash, the highly unequal distribution of benefits of globalization may be unfair to countries that cannot stand up on its own or is taken advantage of by larger or dominating countries. Globalization may be seen as a way to pursue self-interests and personal goals of one country to the other. It is the objective of the body to make sure that the benefit is received by a larger number of people, if not all. If the body performs poorly and does not overcome the first backlash, then the second backlash may arise and complications would start to pile up. The second backlash, which is activated by a growing imbalance in global rule making, places the implementation of globalization under the scrutiny of all involving countries. It is necessary to create a body that favors the needs of all involving countries and creates programs or projects that negates the first backlash of globalization. The policy or rule-making body or Union of selected countries which was created, must weigh all the needs and woes of the all the countries before creating a rule. Globalization places people at a stand where they are at greater vulnerability in terms of economic instability and social dislocation, sometimes at lightning speed, by unfamiliar and unpredictable forces. The policy or rule-making body or Union should be able to at least create precautionary measures or after measures regarding the unpredictable forces and be able to disseminate information regarding the globalization to the people in order for them to be less vulnerable if not totally invulnerable to economic instability and social dislocation. Globalization, would affect the veracity or integrity of cultures and power of states in one way or the other. Moreover, people would most-likely be confused whether who to turn for when they start to look for jobs or turn to when they need to be heard regarding their woes and needs. It is again the job of the Union to see to it that the people are taken care of and not taken for granted. It is their responsibility to give better and more jobs as globalization starts to be implemented and rise. For an effective globalization, there should be an effective or even distribution of power and benefit, fair global rule making, better information dissemination, greater employment rate, and less vulnerability to economic instability and culture disintegration. As such, a policy or rule-making body of selected countries or representative of all the countries should be created to ensure effective globalization. Kofi Annan’s Global Compact may be able to meet the challenges of globalization and serve as the body that might solve the problem of the backlashes stated. The Global Compact, announced by Kofi Annan in an address to The World Economic Forum on January 31, 1999, is a program to promote businesses globally to assume sustainable and publicly responsible and accountable policies or guidelines, and to account and report on them. Under the Global Compact, companies are conveyed together with labor groups, civil societies and United Nation agencies. The Global Compact, upon its initiation or opening consisted of more than 3,300 companies from all regions of the world and also includes a smaller number of international labor and civil society organizations. The Global Compact, though not a regulatory body, is a forum for dialogues and debates and a system for communication and a pool of messages including governments. It would seek to influence and persuade companies and stand for the stakeholders of civil society organizations. The Global Compact’s objectives are deliberately and purposely flexible and sometimes vague, but it distinguishes the subsequent channels through which it gives facilitation and promotes dialogue. Furthermore, Kofi Annan’s Global Compact has ten principles. These ten principles help in addressing 3 aspects namely, human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption. Globalization’s negative effects or backlashes such as those with regards income, employment, identity and accountability, can be addressed and aided. An example of principle where liberalism is embedded is the principle regarding labor standards. Global Compact states that there is freedom or liberty of organization or union and the effective acknowledgment of the right to collective bargaining. Furthermore, there is the removal of all forms of forced and obligatory labor. Embedding liberalism indeed may help, but I believe that the Global Compact would be is needed and may serve as initiator of an effective Globalization. REFERENCE: Ruggie, John Gerard. â€Å"Taking Embedded Liberalism Global: The Corporate Connection. † (2003).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

buy custom America’s Destiny essay

buy custom America’s Destiny essay America was still a very young country which had gone through war in 1812 and it had a strong sense of nationalism and boasted because it had no restraint of any kind and was not concerned with the consequences of its actions. This was an indication that the country was headed for conflict. In the mid 1800s America forged its way westward based on the popular Manifest Destiny which was a popular belief that it was Americas destiny to expand across Texas towards the pacific coast (SparkNotes, 2009). In the 1820s Americans occupied the Texas region which was a Mexican territory and by the 1830s about 7000 Americans lived in Texas outnumbering the Hispanic settlers in the ratio of two to one which was a high rate. This drew cold blood between the Mexican Government and the Americans and to make the affairs more constrained the Americans declared their independence from the Mexican dictatorship. People trailed to the west into the Oregon country (Sparknotes.Com, 2009). They were escaping the American rule they and part of the settlers were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. Founded by Joseph Smith in 1830 in upstate New York, the Mormon Church attempted to revive the pure Christianity they believed had once existed in aboriginal America. Because of their unorthodox beliefs and practices the Mormons suffered persecution. Their prophet Joseph Smith was murdred and then they were sent even farther to the west and they were led by Brigham Young in a trek fr om Illinois to the great salt lake valley then to the land that they called Deseret had been absorbed by the United States at the conclusion of heir war and they regarded the continent their birthright. Aggression with Great Britain This is where the American conquest to expand to the west created a confrontation with Great Britain and A war with Mexico. In the book by Paul S. Boyer, et.al they say that the Americans expanded by use of force when the first president of Texas Sam Houston said that the Indians and the Mexicans had to give way to their Mighty March. It say the n after the election of President James K. Polks administration (1845- 1849) the United States increased its land area by 50 percent. The book says that it negotiated Britain out of the vast Oregon territory and fought a war only with Mexico. But in the further research we see that the Americans caused a stir when they chose John Tyler as vice president so as to get southern votes on the Whig ticket. But the Whig leaders never expected him to rise to full position of president in 1841. By 1944 Tyler had broken with the Whig party and his hopes for re election in 1844 were placed on a new finding and popular issue. He began pushing for the ann exation of Texas a topic very popular with the southern people, but the North was indifferent and was not supporting the idea of adding a new slave state. Tyler negotiated a treaty of annexation with Texas but it was failed by the senate. The Democratic decided to nominate James K. Polk of Tennessee, who was also in favor of annexing Texas. In order to win the Northern support, Polk promised to extend United States borders all over the country of Oregon. This resulted in his victory over the Whig candidate Henry Clay but narrowly. But this turn of events was interpreted by the congress and Polk as a go ahead to implement expansion. They annexed Texas before the inauguration of Polk as President (Paul S. Boyer, et.al 2008). The Oregon conquest The definite reason why America nearly went to war with Britain was the Oregon Question and Polk. The Ownership of Oregon as a country drew heated sides and Polk was willing to split the area wit h England. The demands by the American Public for the whole territory angered the British the more in the long run they refused to negotiate with him. In 1846 Polk notified Great Britain that the United States could not agree to share or to joint occupation and England prepared for war but also proposed the division of the area in a treaty that the senate approved. The North condemned Polk for having not persisted in his demand for Oregon. After the war of words Great Britain shared Oregon with Texas. Buy custom America’s Destiny essay